How useful was the information you learned at the PFG? 5 Extremely useful 4 Very useful 3 Moderately useful 2 Slightly useful 1 Not at all useful Additional comments: What was the most useful part of the gathering?Additional comments: What was the most useful part of the gathering? Will apply on my farm (property, etc.) Will use it to develop a plan Will talk to others about how they might apply agroforestry on their property Will provide programming or consulting to others Other How likely are you to attend another event hosted by the Savanna Institute? Not at all likely A little likely Moderately likely Very likely Extremely likely Which of the following types of events would you be likely to attend? (Check all that apply.) In-person field days/workshops Remote field days/workshops In-person PFG Remote PFG Unlikely to join future events What topics/speakers/sessions would you like to learn more about in future events?What would you change, if anything, about the gathering?What was your favorite part of the gathering?Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at the Perennial Farm Gathering?Please tell us a little about yourself.Was this your first time joining us for a Perennial Farm Gathering? Yes! Nope! Which of the following describes your work?(Check All That Apply) Hope to farm in the future 1 - 5 years 6 - 10 years 11-20 years 20+ years Age <20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ State/RegionHow did you hear about our gathering? FaceBook Mailer sent by Savanna Institute Savanna Instittute newsletter Savanna Institute Website Word of mouth/email Listserv / non-SI newsletter Local media (TV, newspaper) Twitter Other