
Xinyuan Shi harvesting tree crops.

Shower Goats and Arctic Kiwis with Xinyuan Shi

Xinyuan Shi spent 2020 as an Agroforestry Apprentice working with chestnut growers Greg and Amy Miller at Route 9 Cooperative in Ohio. Last year, Xinyuan joined the Savanna Institute staff as a research fellow to update a USDA guidebook on conservation buffers. Now in her final year with the University of Missouri’s Agroforestry Master’s Program, Xinyuan is on an agroforestry career path that we hope others will follow.
Man on a tractor, with farm bill illustrations

The Climate Conversation Podcast: Agroforestry and the Farm Bill

Our most recent podcast episode is produced in collaboration with another great podcast, The Climate Conversation, which is produced by the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI). A few weeks ago, hosts Dan Bresette and Emma Johnson interviewed Keefe Keeley, our Executive Director, and Tucker Gretebeck, an organic dairy farmer who is working with our agroforestry adoption team. They kindly agreed to share the recording with us, which you can now hear on the Perennial AF podcast. 

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