Tree Crops

“Is This Really A Dairy Farm?” Ask-a-Farmer with Greg Galbraith

In this episode of Perennial AF, hear my conversation with Greg Galbraith, a Wisconsin dairy farmer. Greg began dairy farming after college, and switched from conventional to grass-fed, as he put it, “to survive”. After some initial resistance to going organic, he also converted his farm to an organic dairy and although Greg retired a few years ago, a new generation of organic dairy farmers is keeping the farm in operation. 

“A Growth Mindset for Agroforestry” – featuring Bill Davison

A few months ago I got to talk to Bill Davison, a Savanna Institute staff member based in central Illinois. Bill works to develop value chains for Midwest tree crops, and has recently been focused on scaling up the Midwest chestnut industry. Bill served in the Army after high school and worked as a biologist, farmer, bike mechanic, and Extension agent before joining the Savanna Institute.