Salvatierra Farms

Salvatierra Farms
Northfield, MN

Partner Farm

Agroforestry Systems:

Farm Information

Salvaterra Farms is a part of the Regeneration Farms network in Southeast Minnesota. A leader in regenerative poultry, Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin is the founder of the Regenerative Poultry System that is currently being used across the Midwest and internationally. They believe in a perennial future and farming system that regenerates the land and water, raising chickens under the Tree-Range™️ brand in their natural habitat: the forest. Salvatierra Farms values the fact that nature requires diverse systems to remain healthy and the interconnection of all species. The farm includes an alley cropping system where chickens are raised under a canopy of hazelnuts and elderberries, as well as reproduction methods, intercropping for food security, and fungal community management.

Farm Information 
Located: Northfield, MN
Owner: Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

Apprenticeship Opportunities

In addition to the details of the regenerative poultry system and energy management methodology, apprentices will learn about alley cropping, managing hazelnuts and elderberries as an understory and as perennial crops, soil health, and more. Salvaterra raises poultry for around 65 days from arrival to harvest, and apprentices are responsible for the daily care of the chickens throughout the week, including weekends (with some help). Apprentices are expected to record their experience in photos, videos, and writing. At the end of their time they produce high-quality record-keeping that can be tabulated to generate indicators of success and a profile of the flock.

Apprenticeship Program Icon

Availability: Open



“The critical thing of the design is No. 1, to restore the poultry to its geo-evolutionary blueprint, which is the jungle. Agroforestry hits all of those sweet spots and connects the dots for us. Healthy chickens, healthy plants, healthy hazelnuts, and all of that are central to the design of agroforestry.”
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín, Salvatierra Farms

Support Our Work

Sponsor a Trainee

Your gift could provide experience and technical education for aspiring farmers through on-farm training with a mentor farmer and community building opportunities for farmers, trainees, and those interested in incorporating trees on farmland.