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Beginning Farmers: Social Justice and Agroforestry

For many people, part of their interest in agroforestry lies in being an active participant in an agricultural system that is more environmentally regenerative, economically viable, and socially responsible than the current dominant US agricultural system. Creating a more regenerative and equitable agricultural system through agroforestry, however, requires us to recognize and address the injustices that have led to, and continue to shape, the current system. Developed by the Savanna Institute, a nonprofit that lays the groundwork for widespread agroforestry in the Midwest.

PFG2023 Recordings Now Available for Free on YouTube

John Hendrickson is a former vegetable farmer and a professional spreadsheet wizard. He even showed up to record an interview for the Perennial AF podcast wearing a special hat that said “Spreadsheets” across the front! John has developed a series of Excel-based tools to help farmers understand the financial viability of their various on-farm enterprises, including the Fruit and Nut Compass, which was developed in partnership with the Savanna Institute.

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