The Savanna Institute’s podcast about perennial agroforestry (AF) features interviews, questions from listeners, storytelling, and more. Subscribe to Perennial AF to hear real AF conversations with some of the Midwest’s top agroforesters and perennial farmers!
“Spreadsheets on the Radio” - Farm Viability and the Fruit & Nut Compass with John Hendrickson
“Spreadsheets on the Radio” - Farm Viability and the Fruit & Nut Compass with John Hendrickson
“You Can’t Believe It Grows Here” - Project Pawpaw with Adam D’Angelo
Podcast: The Institute's Roots with Keefe Keeley and Kevin Wolz
Podcast: Grazing on Solar Farms, Mobilizing Goats, and Finding Farm Dogs with Aaron Steele
Podcast: Shower Goats and Arctic Kiwis with Xinyuan Shi
Q&A With "Braiding Sweetgrass" Author Robin Wall Kimmerer | PFG 2023
"Cultivating Sustainable Joy" - Q&A with Author Ross Gay | PFG 2023
“Perennial Dreams and Realities” – Keynote by Dr. Ricardo Salvador, 2022 Perennial Farm Gathering
Watch the Videos
Our videos take viewers on virtual tours of Midwest farms to see agroforestry in a variety of contexts. Hear the stories of farmers talking about the transition to perennial agriculture, and what motivates them to farm sustainably with trees.