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Agroforestry for Community Food Security

Sola Gratia in Urbana, Illinois grows food for a community where one in 10 people and one in…

Hedgelaying in the UK with Martin Turner, George Pidgeon, and Steven McCulloch

This January, Savanna Institute staff member MJ Oviatt visited the UK to study hedgelaying with members of the…

Key Tree Crop Survey – Thank You

Thank you! Thank you for helping us update information in our Key Tree Crops Infosheets.

Culinary Creativity with Beth Dooley, Francesca Hong, and Odessa Piper

Chefs and perennial food advocates Beth Dooley, Francesca Hong, and Odessa Piper discuss cooking and baking with perennial…

Thank you – Farm Narrative

Thank you for downloading the Urban Agroforestry Trainings Report

Farm Narrative

Filling out a Farm Narrative will help you identify what you want to do, who can help, and…

Stewarding a Vision at Hillside Pastures in Spring Green, Wisconsin

When Daniel and Linda Marquardt purchased their first farm in Spring Green, Wisconsin in the mid 1990s, the…
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