Jacob Grace

Resources by Jacob Grace

“This Felt Really Hard” – Obstacles to Perennial Adoption for Non-Operating Landowners
Host Jacob Grace talks with his friend Alex about her family’s experiences as non-operating landowners trying to establish perennial management on their historic Wisconsin farm, and the hurdles and roadblocks they have encountered along the way.

Hedgelaying in the UK with Martin Turner, George Pidgeon, and Steven McCulloch
This January, Savanna Institute staff member MJ Oviatt visited the UK to study hedgelaying with members of the Blackdown Hills Hedge Association. In this episode, we hear MJ’s recorded conversations with hedgelayers Martin Turner, George Pidgeon, and Steven McCulloch.

Culinary Creativity with Beth Dooley, Francesca Hong, and Odessa Piper
Chefs and perennial food advocates Beth Dooley, Francesca Hong, and Odessa Piper discuss cooking and baking with perennial ingredients, favorite recipes, and suggestions for being engaged and “curious eaters” in this recorded session from the 2024 Perennial Farm Gathering.

“In Some Cases It’s Actually Not That Hard” – Silvopasture Farm Tour with Erik Hagan
Erik Hagan, farm director of the Spring Green Campus, leads a farm tour of silvopasture systems in this recording from a field day in August 2024.

The Pros and Cons of Windbreaks and Riparian Buffers – Eliza Greenman and Nate Lawrence
Tree crop researchers Eliza Greenman and Nate Lawrence discuss the pros, cons, and tradeoffs of windbreak and riparian buffer management for ecosystem services and profitability in this recording from the 2024 Perennial Farm Gathering.

Visualizing Your Future Farm – A Guided Meditation with Barbara Decré
Barbara Decré, assistant director of our Agroforestry Adoption program, leads a guided meditation to help you visualize a perennial farming project five, fifteen and thirty years from now. What is your “why”, and how does it help shape your vision?