Social Justice

Urban Agroforestry Training Programs: A Joint Report

Over the fall of 2021, Big River Farms, a representative from an emerging Black land trust, Dream of Wild Health, Pillsbury United Communities, and the Savanna Institute held four meetings to discuss the big questions, needs, and costs associated with developing an agroforestry focused urban apprenticeship program. Together, we created a blueprint for establishing an urban agroforestry training program.

Beginning Farmers: Social Justice and Agroforestry

For many people, part of their interest in agroforestry lies in being an active participant in an agricultural system that is more environmentally regenerative, economically viable, and socially responsible than the current dominant US agricultural system. Creating a more regenerative and equitable agricultural system through agroforestry, however, requires us to recognize and address the injustices that have led to, and continue to shape, the current system. Developed by the Savanna Institute, a nonprofit that lays the groundwork for widespread agroforestry in the Midwest.